We’ve all been there, completely confident in our actions only to have it all blow up in our faces…hopefully not this bad.

In other news, I have chosen a winner for the first “Name This PC” contest!
First let me say, THANK YOU to all of you who entered a name, I really appreciated it

And the winner is…

“Berin Breaknose Son of Grijolf Noneck Son of Shieldmaiden Hielga” submitted by Matt

I’ve posted Berin on the Freebies page (or you can download directly by clicking here) and he is free to be used in ANY WAY you please. As an NPC, A PC, or whatever. If you do use him be sure to send me a pic either through email or post one on the facebook page.

Since Matt had the winning entry it means that on Monday I’ll be posting a drawing of a “Halfling Cleric” per his request.

So ladies and gentlemen be sure head deep into the forests and pray to your gods for a good name this weekend :)

Thanks all!