I admit it, I get my britches in bunch over spoilers pretty quick, even when I know I won’t be able to see something for a year or so when it comes out on DVD or what not, I really like surprises. The real problem is that I will hone in on a spoiler and try to figure out how they get there the whole move. It’s a terrible way to be and I know it’s my own fault.
All I really want to be able to do is to log onto twitter on Sunday nights again (thanks Game of Thrones and Walking Dead fans for ruining that).
In other news, I was interviewed this very comic on Comics Coast to Coast which you can list to here. Learn all about my process, how the comic came about, and even a story or two of how I got into gaming/comicing. Also, my dog barks during it, so you can hear her too! Check it out! It was a real blast and I look forward to doing podcasts in the future (hint hint anyone with a podcast who is a bit desperate).
Also, over the weekend I produced not just one but both of the drawings for the two lucky facebook fan winners. You can check them out here and who knows, maybe when I get closer to 400 likes I’ll do another contest!
Thanks everyone and I’ll see ya on Thursday
Or, like me, they’re just plain dumb:)