The rumors are true! I have started playing Skyrim again. I was already late to the party when I finally got it, but I ended up putting it down for a bit, but picked it up Friday and COULD NOT STOP PLAYING IT. I am pretty bad at it, but so far I’ve had a lot of fun running around setting things on fire including Lydia (may she rest in peace).
In other news over on the Nameless PCs Facebook page, we have crossed over 250 likes! HUZZAH! I’m really excited about this and I figure I should do a give away. So, I am giving away a free drawing of anything you like (within reason). All you have to do is go to the Nameless PCs page and either share or like today’s comic, do both and get a bonus entry, and I will announce the winner on Thursday on the Facebook page.
Also, if we get over 275 likes I’ll pick another winner, and I’ll keep picking winners for every 25 more (i.e. 3 winners at 300, 4 at 325, etc.). So tell your friends and thank you so much for supporting this comic. It means a lot to me and I’m thankful every time I get a like or a comment or a Retweet or anything.
You all are awesome. Have a most excellent week!
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