Free Time Feb25 on February 25, 2014 Chapter: Wesley's AdventuresCharacters: Angela, ComicBot, Wesley This will save me so much time later, and nobody will be any the wiser. Best use of a broken toaster ever! └ Tags: comic maker, comics, humor, robot
I like too how the cartoon robot draws you in what seems to me like the interrogation room of a Totalitarian state.
I’m definitely not a front line fighter in the future war. The robot knows me too well. Sorry for letting the Terminators kill everyone :/
yet another brilliant issue.
Thanks! Also the Comic bot thanks you.
So…uh…where do I get me one of those in about three months? ::shifty eyes::foot shuffle::
You’re going to need a broken toaster 2 sticks of chewing gum, a #2 pencil, and 3 wolf hearts, then just combine them all in your inventory. BAM!
How long do they last? My kids are 11 and 9, and I could still use one…
As long as you give them tears filled with your hopes and dreams the comic maker bots should continue until you give up comics or fall over dead. They’re pretty bleakly reliable.
That’s great, in a depressing sort of way. If I start with a double toaster, does that mean I can put out two comics a week?
It does, just be sure not to mix your right eye tears with your left eye tears or your panel ouput gets a bit screwy. See the FAQ for more info.
I don’t happen to have a broken toaster on my person, what happens if I use a broken microwave?
Microwaves are good if writing short stories, if you got an oven you can get a whole story. Rumor has it, that this is how Melville ‘wrote’ Moby Dick.
now if I had a one of those kilns for baking clay that heats up to like 1000°?