We’re in the final countdown till baby time and I’m still not entirely convinced this is all real. I’m not sure I will ever be, I am both excited and terrified. -Wesley
Posts Tagged webcomic
Hehehe, that second panel cracks me up. Also, vague facebook statuses are bad, share or don’t share, don’t half it. Thanks, and I’ll see ya Tuesday for my 250th comic according to the wordpress post counter thing (I know, I’m[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Baby Wearing
My wife and I had talked about using a sling/ergo/bjorn (basically a baby fanny pack) and had thought “Oh this just seems like an easy way to carry our little one that requires less large objects and still gives us[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I’m always falling for the “Oh this looks good here” and getting home and finding it most certainly does not, it’s why my favorite Christmas presents are the shirts my wife buy’s me, they always look great…well as great as[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wow! Tuesday’s comic blew up! Thanks everyone for sharing/caring about it. Also, welcome new readers, thanks for sticking around. I hope you enjoy the comic. Have a great weekend everyone!
I haven’t played D&D or any RPG for a bit and I’ve really missed it. So I made this comic. Also checkout a few familiar faces in that 2nd panel. It was nice to draw some of the old gang[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…