Sometimes your a dad painting with your kid, but you want to pretend to be John McClane beating Hans Gruber.
Posts Tagged Webcomics
104 results.
Our sweet little Babybot turns two on Saturday, we’ll miss our little baby, but welcome our new Toddler Tyrant.
I got shorts! I apologize world! Also, look at this new shirt. It has a pokemon and a pun and should show up right now at If you like it, maybe you could buy it. That would be dope. Also, all my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Has a kid ever just walked up to you and yelled in your ear? Speak up. I can’t hear good out of this ear.
Bounded Together
When we’re out with more than my daughter, we get her to hold the hand of the other kid and it always helps slow them down. It’s like an adorable chain gang.